09 Οκτ KMP επίσημο αναγνωρισμένο κραβ μαγκά από την Israeli Tactical School
Η “Israeli Tactical School” αναγνωρίζει την “Krav Maga Protection KMP®”, ως επίσημο εκπαιδευτικό οργανισμό που διδάσκει Israeli Contact Combat System Krav Maga.
Μεγάλη τιμή για την ΚΜΡ, η αναγνώριση της από την Israeli Tactical School, ιδιαίτερα όταν αυτή προέρχεται από τον ιδρυτή της Tomer Israeli, ενός ανθρώπου που κατέχει τεράστια γνώση και εμπειρία σε θέματα ασφάλειας, αυτοπροστασίας, αυτοάμυνας, σκοποβολής κτλ
Λίγα λόγια για τον επικεφαλής της Israeli Tactical School πρώην πράκτορα των μυστικών υπηρεσιών του Ισραήλ Tomer Israeli
Tomer is a certified Chief Security Officer in the Israeli “Shin-Bet”

(Israeli Secret Service) and served in the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC
as Special Agents for Close Protection team leader.
Tomer field of expertise is counter-terrorism & self defense and
conducting courses world wide to law enforcement, special army units,
organizations and private civilians.
With over 23 years of combat experience and 20 years of instructional
experience, He brings a well-rounded background as Head of Israeli
Tactical School. One of only a handful of former Israeli Secret Service
trainers outside of Israel, He also serves Israeli Tactical School as a
Train the Trainer Instructor, mentoring and evaluating other instructors
from across the country and world wide.
Tomer is also a former Captain in the Israeli Army Special Forces and
served as Long Distance Recon unit team leader during the 2nd Lebanese
war in 2006. In the beginning of his army service Tomer served as team
member in the Israeli Delta Force (‘Sayeret Matkal’ 1992 ‘Yuval Team”)
Tomer has trained law enforcement officers from over 45 agencies including
U.S Green Beret, US Army Rangers, Baltimore County Police Department
, United States Secret Service, United State Department High Risk Close
Protection, Baltimore City Police Department, Pentagon Police, Howard
County Police Department, Maryland State Police, Federal Bureau of
Investigations, United States Capitol Police, Montgomery County Police
Department, United States Marshal Service, Green Berets, US Delta Force,
Swiss Army Delta Force, RAID BRI SWAT unit and many more.